Tony Woodlief | Author


For Caleb, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. He knew I’d be home this morning, so he decided to lobby God during last night’s bedtime prayers:

“…and Lord, thank you for all the wonderful things you give us…”

“And please give us eggs, and bacon…”

“…thank you for our home, and our family…”

“…and pancakes, with syrup…”

“…and for my job, and for your love for us…”

“…and cranapple juice, and we can eat it when we get up…”

“…please forgive us, Lord, when we are selfish…”

“…and give us a g-o-o-o-o-o-d breakfast tomorrow. A-a-a-a-men.”

I’m sure the good Lord has heard worse prayers.

On Key

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