Tony Woodlief | Author

Fiction and Creative Writing

This is the artsy section of the website, the place where Tony puts on a French beret and really lets it all hang out. Fiction, metafiction, creative non-fiction, non-fiction masquerading as fiction but written cleverly enough to avoid libel charges—it’s all here for your enjoyment.
Cover art

We Shall Not All Sleep is a captivating coming-of-age story woven with danger, mystery, and the bonds between father and son, husband and wife, and faithful friends. It is a haunting tale of a quest, enduring love, and the price of redemption.” Read the full description here. Listen to the soundtrack here.

Norbert Pearlroth Might Have Been a LawyerReckon Review, July 2024

The Dragon Can’t Eat You When You’re DancingImage, Spring 2024

This is How You Will Heal the WoundClose Reading, September 21, 2020

The Confession of a Rebellious Literary CitizenClose Reading, July 30, 2020

The SubdivisionClose Reading, June 29, 2020

RevivalDappled Things, 2014

Tony Woodlief Author and Writer
Tony Woodlief_3

ElectiveImage, Summer 2012

Stripping the Fat off Reality, Good Letters, September 2011

Monster Mashup: How Our Culture’s Heroes and Villains Have Traded Places,” chapter in Acculturated, 2011

The Glass ChildRuminate, Summer 2009

NameImage, Summer 2008

The Grace I KnowRuminate, Summer 2007







