Tony Woodlief | Author

Politics, Culture, and General Curmudgeonry

Listed below are publications curated for especially cultured and thoughtful readers. Foremost among these is I, Citizen, a pathbreaking book that all the cool kids are reading. Don’t be that one loser at the cocktail party who hasn’t read it; click the button and order yours today. Below that are links to essays, reviews, manifestos, and assorted miscellany. If you find that any of the content infuriates you, we invite you to fax a letter to our Editorial Department, which reviews complaints on alternate Leap-Year Tuesdays.

I, Citizen Synopsis

This is a story of hope, but also of peril. It began when a polarized political class started conscripting everyday citizens into its culture war. Partisan elites have always thrived on conflict, but increasingly they’re convincing everyday Americans to join the fray.

Why do we feel such animosity toward our fellow citizens, our neighbors, our own kin? Because we’ve fallen for the false narrative that citizens who happen to vote Democrat or Republican are enthusiastic supporters of Team Blue or Team Red. Aside from a minority of  partisans, however, most voters are simply trying to choose the lesser of two evils.

The real threat to our union isn’t Red vs. Blue America, it’s the slow erosion of self-governance. Partisans have erected a system in which ordinary citizens don’t have a voice in the decisions that affect our lives. From foreign wars to local libraries, authority no longer resides with We the People.

This is the story of how that happened and what we can do about it.

Praise for I, Citizen

“Woodlief, I believe, offers a compelling explanation for one of the great curiosities of our time: Why our day-to-day lives can seem pretty good while we sense that things are terribly wrong in America.

Andy Smarick, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute


“Tony Woodlief brings a searchlight to bear on the divisive ideologues working among us to destroy ‘the reservoir of goodwill that characterized American civil life for generations.'”

– Jeff Minick, Smoky Mountain News


“Tony Woodlief explains why localizing politics and loving thy neighbor can help heal our ailing country.”

– Bill Kauffman, author,
        Dispatches from the
Muckdog Gazette

Essays, Epistles, Screeds & Miscellany

Statue of Liberty as seen from above

“State Bans on Critical Race Theory Won’t Work” Wall Street Journal, August 20, 2021

“Against the Libertarian-Pajama-Boy Consensus” American Mind, November 17, 2020

Free Speech Absolutism Killed Free SpeechWall Street Journal, August 30, 2020

 “Setting the Wheel of History Alight: A Review of Solzhenitsyn’s The Red Wheel” American Conservative, July-August 2020

Why Conservative Fusionism Was Destined to DisintegrateAmerican Conservative, June 23, 2020

 The Overlooked Potential of State AGs for Police Reform Governing, June 15, 2020

The Fires Foretold: Willmoore Kendall and the Burning of AmericaAmerican Conservative, June 8, 2020

Bring Me My Bow of Burning Gold: Micturition and Its DiscontentsFront Porch Republic, May 7, 2020

Constitution Preamble: By Printed by Dunlap & Claypoole
Lincoln-Douglas boxing match cartoon

I Come Not to Praise the MegachurchGood Letters, September 3, 2015

Back off, Man, I’m a ScientistGood Letters, November 18, 2014

The Casserole Dish Manifesto”  Good Letters, January 31, 2014

The Collapse of Western Civilization Begins in Your Dentist’s Chair” Good Letters, September 5, 2012

Our Love Affair With the Fairs”  Wall Street Journal, September 10, 2010

Curse of the Greedy Copyright HoldersWall Street Journal, July 9, 2010

Boy, the Scout Handbook Keeps ChangingWall Street Journal, February 26, 2010

Twilight ChicNational Review, March 27, 2009

Norman Rockwell Freedom of Speech: By Norman Rockwell







