Tony Woodlief | Author

Thanks, Oscar Meyer

Another scene you don’t anticipate until you have a house full of boys:

Eli and Isaac are in the tub. I have washed Isaac, and now they are squirming past one another so Eli can get on deck for his scrub-down. “Ouch!” Eli squeals.

“What’s the problem?”

“He stepped on my pee-pee!”

“Well, if you had been moving over like I told you to do, instead of just sitting there, it might not have gotten stepped on. Isaac, apologize for stepping on Eli’s pee-pee.”

Isaac gets a big I’m-really-not-sorry-at-all look on his face. “Sorry for steppin’ on your wiener.”

He may have heard that alternate word from me. I’m not going to confirm or deny this. I’ll just say that the person who introduced that anatomical pseudonym to our household is a comic genius, because it never fails to elicit giggles from all the males in earshot, while making the poor woman in our house roll her eyes. Giggling, predictably, ensues. The trampled pee-pee is forgotten.

See how important humor can be?

On Key

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