Tony Woodlief | Author

Because you know what you get with a touchdown

It probably shouldn’t be a surprise that many college athletic directors make far more than the presidents of their schools. While it’s not clear that the skill set necessary to run a successful multi-sport franchise is more elusive than what is necessary to run a university, it is clear that many of us tend to care more for sports than education.

That enduring problem aside, at least the college sports franchise has measurable results. Those in the business world who participate in the massive yearly enterprise which is the Re-Education of the Recently Graduated probably doubt that they’re getting much extra value for all the additional money that has gone into higher education these past few decades. The problem with higher education, in other words, probably won’t be fixed with more expensive presidents. That crummy football team, however…

On Key

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Well, it’s been a hell of a summer. Pestilence, economic destruction, bitter partisanship, and now, the politicians descend from their lairs to commence the quadrennial

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