“And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn’t for you meddling kids!”
“And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn’t for you meddling kids!”
Isaiah while I’m changing his diaper: “Mary had a wittle poopy, wittle poopy, wittle poopy… Sing it, Dad. Mary had a wittle poopy… Heh heh. I said poopy.”
Like many of you, I was shocked — shocked — to learn that the treacherous Fort Hood murderer was a disgruntled Muslim, it being a religion of peace and all, but the world is filled with insanity. Even stranger was his connection to Virginia Tech, whose community is understandably bristly at the observation that its …
“Though a man’s conviction that all he achieves is due solely to his exertions, skill, and intelligence may be largely false, it is apt to have the most beneficial effects on his energy and circumspection. And if the smug pride of the successful is often intolerable and offensive, the belief that success depends wholly on …
“Christ is Risen, and the angels rejoice! Christ is Risen, and life is freed! Christ is Risen, and the tomb is emptied of the dead! For Christ, being risen from the dead has become the Leader and Reviver of those who had fallen asleep. To Him be glory and power, unto ages of ages. Amen.” …
This is frequently my strategy when playing Monopoly.
I need a recommendation. Specifically, a decent biography of John Calvin. By “decent biography,” I mean something that is neither a hagiography nor a celebration of Reformation doctrine, which rules out anything, so far as I can tell, by Reformed scholars. This year is the 500th anniversary of the old boy’s birth. I figure I ought …
This is a relief.
I don’t know all the ins and outs of veterans policy by any means, but this looks like a crying shame — injured soldiers going online to ask for basic help. NPR explains: “The government offers a huge range of benefits to disabled vets — such as disability payments, job training and subsidies to buy …
So, you’re running a university, and you accidentally leave a file containing names and Social Security numbers of applicants on the network where any bozo can find it. A student journalist finds the file and writes about it in the campus newspaper. What do you do? If you’re Western Oregon University, you secretly search the newspaper’s …
Adam Bellow has nice things to say about me. And you too.
It probably shouldn’t be a surprise that many college athletic directors make far more than the presidents of their schools. While it’s not clear that the skill set necessary to run a successful multi-sport franchise is more elusive than what is necessary to run a university, it is clear that many of us tend to …
Barack Obama won a resounding victory to become the 44th president of the United States. He is working even now as President-elect to usher in change back to the change that existed before the current president of change changed things back to the change preceding the earlier change to which we are now returning. The …
“Every man has forgotten who he is . . . We are all under the same mental calamity; we have all forgotten our names. we have all forgotten what we really are.” G.K. Chesterton
Mark Lilla writing in today’s Wall Street Journal: “How, 30 years later, could younger conservative intellectuals promote a candidate like Sarah Palin, whose ignorance, provinciality and populist demagoguery represent everything older conservative thinkers once stood against? . . . There was a time when conservative intellectuals raised the level of American public debate and helped …
Check out Rod Dreher’s argument that now is Wendell Berry’s time: “In the months and years to come, we all will have to learn the meaning of limits. Wendell Berry is no dour scold who preaches a joyless austerity. To the contrary, he tells us that what we truly seek in life is not comfort, …
Convicted by declarations from both major political parties that one’s associations reflect one’s character, I decided to re-register myself as an Independent. The paperwork went through a couple of weeks ago. I breathe easier now, knowing I’m no longer associated with the criminals and sexual perverts who held official and unofficial leadership positions in my former party. …
There’s a lot of people who can run four miles faster than me, but how many of those nancy-boys can down a dozen Krispy Kremes halfway through? Those of you who don’t gross out very easily might enjoy this inspirational video from last year’s race. Hat tip to Michael Moore. The good one, not the …
Ew. I’m sure my boys will think it’s awesome.
I wasn’t really worried about the financial meltdown until the people on NPR said we shouldn’t worry. Then I began to wonder what happens when my local grocer or gas station owner can’t get a shipment on credit. So we went to Sam’s last night and stocked up on about a month’s worth of food, …
For those of you who lack the advanced financial expertise necessary to decipher news surrounding the current mess, I’ve interviewed an expert to help us make sense of the headlines. Q: How did we get into this mess? A: Two entities created and overseen by Congress, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, flooded the mortgage market …
An Everyman’s Guide to Our Current Financial Crisis Read More »
What can be said that has not already been spoken of this day when 3,226 people were killed or wounded by Islamic terrorists on U.S. soil? Being people, many of these poor souls were probably very good, and some very bad. Some behaved heroically, perhaps for the only time in their lives cut short. Some …
You’ve likely heard by now of the natural disaster that recently threatened Wilmington, N.C. No, I’m not talking about hurricanes, but something more deadly: inability to receive television signals. As a test market for the coming national switch to digital television, Wilmington was the subject of intensive assistance by federal, state, and local officials. God …
I confess I don’t know exactly what all those early-morning shoppers in my local grocery wanted to hear coming over the store’s loudspeakers, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t Aerosmith’s vulgar rendition of “Come Together.” I can’t quite put my finger on it, but there’s something wrong with how we allow ourselves to be regularly assailed …
“The world seems full of good men — even if there are monsters in it.” – Mina Harker’s Journal (Dracula)
Here’s a dad who knows how to enjoy the state fair.
It’s time for another edition of News by Osmosis, wherein I, a dedicated avoider of newspapers, share with you my understanding of the news gleaned from random bits of information that assail me despite my best efforts to ignore them. The big news this week is that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are in love. …
So I’m a Marxist. You probably are too. If you don’t believe me, check out my latest essay in The Wall Street Journal. I hope this doesn’t mean I have to don a Che t-shirt and start anointing myself with patchouli oil. I don’t even know where one buys patchouli. And Che was a twit.
I’m hard-pressed to think of a time when otherwise decent, sensible people have argued for something as wicked as what is advocated by The Wall Street Journal’s Holman Jenkins today. Jenkins joins forces with Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, among other voices calling for the demolition of housing in order to mitigate falling home prices. …
Loyal reader Nichole B. offers a recent example of the reductio ad Hitlerum: “Obama’s sudden plan to pack 80,000 followers into a Denver sports stadium for his acceptance of the Democratic nomination instantly reminded of Hitler’s Nuremberg and Berlin rallies, moves the Nazis made as much to intimidate as acclaim.” But you know who else …